[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!


When you donā€™t use something for a long time, your eyes arenā€™t used to it.

darkness should be the easiest thing to adjust to

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what were u using then :gun:

gray amber

how does going from gray to black hurt ur eyes

It is.

I just have a really bad headache/migraine right now that everything is painful. But thatā€™s not included in this. I use gray amber right now, and the blue on Dark Theme really ticks me off.

also luxy uses light theme

Yeah but heā€™s a criminal


do I have to explain why i saw jgoes out of everyone else


When Jake finally speaks and itā€™s this :eyes:

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I think Squid is more likely town now Italy

he scrolled up all the way to the top and then liked a post

it was literally a random player

I can ensure a person is safe to execute. P i c k

this may be the dumbest reason why Iā€™ve been scum read out of all the times Iā€™ve been scum read in this forum

because i picked a random player when asked randomly to guess who was scum


You have used your three rooSlams for the day.

I canā€™t believe im really being scum read for this.

are you sure it wasnā€™t a reaction test