[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

That’s only moderate performance, smh.

As long as you aren’t Guiding me.

Well he can actually. He’s the Priestess. Priestess is immune to you.

But I’m not immune to him. Hence why I’d like to not be targeted.

I’m not sure if my abilities would count as negative effects anyway. :thinking:

Neuts should be immune to any harm by the Priestess :thinking: that’s clearly an oversight in the class :stuck_out_tongue:

Blame the person who designed it :upside_down_face:

Wasn’t planning on targeting you, you are Neutral and I don’t care as you can’t effect me at all

Too boring. I’m just gonna blame Kape

15 min remain

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ABC: Always Blame CKape

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oh shoot 15 mins im scared

someone protect me cuz im epic

we hang jgoes tomorrow, agreed?

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Wazza go kill Jgoes boomer

Jgoes will be quicklynched tommorow

Shush now. Oh, wait no ones talking. Anyways.


With the rumors of a new threat to the kingdom, the King has now decided that the perpetrators must be within the group currently in the castle. No one will be permitted to leave from here on out. Don’t worry though, you all will be shown to your rooms.

Night 1 start! It will go untill 2019-11-07T00:55:00Z, or after all actions have been acounted for.


If you do not wish to do an action, please type /no action in your cards for me.

Nope, sorry

I have recived all actions and will begin processing now.

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