[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

ur gonna try to survive a redcheck without claiming?

Because the redcheck is fake and I donā€™t want to claim to lockscum from my POV unless Iā€™m 100% getting lynched?

Because my claim doesnā€™t mean shit and wonā€™t stop people from lynching me if they still want to?

its not fake lol

I donā€™t see a good reason to claim here. Unless I get fliptailored, but Iā€™ll make sure I claim before that happens.

From my POV it is 100% fake because my classcard is town.


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I think you know that town loses if we mislynch here.

3 town dead. 4 with a mislynch. King is town.

Best-case scenario: 8 town still alive after mislynch, including King.
Worst-case scenario: 7 town still alive after mislynch, including King.
So itā€™s either:


In all of these cases, town still has majority or parity. But thatā€™s before nightkills. We had two nightkills, so Iā€™m assuming 2 KP.

If both hit town:


In most cases here, we lose majority and need the neut votes to lynch scum.
If there is an NK, I doubt they go for town here because scum is rapidly gaining majority.
Thereā€™s also the fact the BD Kingā€™s vote doesnā€™t count, so yeah, weā€™re basically screwed with two town dead.

That said.
Imagine if Jgoes was still alive. Add a 1 to the town counter.
We have voting majority/parity with Jgoes alive, even with a mislynch.

So who do you think was going for an instant Jgoes lynch? Town or scum?
Iā€™m convinced scum would really want that, and they jumped on the opportunity.

Town -> neut -> town -> town -> neut/scum -> town? -> scum -> neut

This wagon is so overwhelmingly impure it actually sickens me. I need to take another look at Jake here.
The neuts and scum were totally going for it there. I think this proves my reads at least partially correct.

Which is exactly why Iā€™m trying to prevent people from lynching me.

whhy arenā€™t u claiming if we lose if we mislynch you anyways?

If you Town read Italy, Jake is also town

Ah yes, the typical scummy opening from Jake.

These posts are ew.

What the actual fuck is this post. LAMIST ALL AROUND. Heā€™s claiming hyper PR but isnā€™t playing like one.

Ew. I hate this post so much. He is shadethrowing really hard.


Come on now.

That part is actually towny.

But this one is not.

Note how he conveniently forgets about Wazza being ā€˜lockscumā€™ because Iā€™m easier to lynch. As soon as Jgoes and me present themselves as lynching opportunities, he leaps onto both wagons with no hesitation.

What is this mindset. ā€˜I need someone to die.ā€™ He doesnā€™t want to lynch scum, he just wants to lynch.

I know Jake has had a tendency to be anti-town as town, but this is just too much.

I really donā€™t like this slot.

How did you make that connection? Did I miss some crucial association?

they are confirmed cuz of italy

Have you been listening? If I claim now, it doesnā€™t change anything.

Tell me how. And if people lie to me again, Iā€™m done.

Theyā€™re masons

So each of them is told the other is town?

and Italy just bountied jgoes which confirms him

A Noble is masons with someone? What is this?