[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

you are scum and i got a redcheck on you. you mustve somehow missed my class which is crazy

when did i claim i had no other abilties

what the heck is a PR


That was after your ā€˜redcheckā€™ on me.

PR - power role. Basically a powerful class, typically town-aligned.

You claim it repeatedly. Here:



Basically youā€™re claiming a powerful investigative. And itā€™s true - if what you were saying about your class was correct, then you wouldnā€™t be a liar.


im not that powerful

Fuck it. If thatā€™s what it takes to lynch the person who claims a class that doesnā€™t existā€¦

If Isaac fullclaims a class that fits everything he said before and which he could reasonably be, I am going to fullclaim as well and take the hit.

/vote Isaac_Gonzalez

I was looking for wording ā€˜bypasses framingā€™, ā€˜bypasses tailoringā€™, ā€˜checkā€™.

Nothing came up. Nothing that fits your claim, anyway.

Okay I think you should claim

Heā€™s not going to, because his class doesnā€™t exist and Iā€™ve just outed him as scum.
Shouldā€™ve checked this earlier.

I do agree that being overly defensive about being scum read is scum indicative

I feel like lying about redchecks is just a daily think for you people.

Or PR indicative, but heā€™s not a PR especially if his only ability is supposedly a 1-shot redcheck that bypasses everything.

Everything about this claim makes no sense and is contradictory. Because that class doesnā€™t exist.


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/vote Vulgard

Well Iā€™m gonna feel really dumb about letting my bishop die here in a minute

/Modkill Vulgard Didnā€™t make 1000 word post alongside ā€œBoom bye scumā€

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Look at Isaac disappearing from the thread even though fullclaiming should be as easy as copying stuff from his classcard.

Angleshooting. Stop.

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I mean youā€™re not supposed to copy stuff from your class card

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The fact Iā€™m the first one who thought about verifying Isaacā€™s claim completely baffles me.

All classcards are public. Why not?

I donā€™t see why not. Quoting? Yes, thatā€™s obviously a bad thing
But copying your class card is as easy as going on the grand idea thread and picking one.