[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Arete is all for neut power, which means they’ll be pushing insanity for luxy

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Oh. I thought you meant vigging conf BD invests

> Seeker
> conf BD
pick one

I was legit when I caught derps :eyes:

I’m 'bout to do something controversial.

/vote Priestess

You were going to frame me, it’s not like I can complain about her preventing that


Imagine voting an IC

When were you revealed as IC?

Priestess is town…

Who did you sell your drink to

Hjasik. I trust her the most in this game.

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You never gave a drink to me, you’ll be shot tonight.

You’re too young!

Under 21, can’t have a drink.

Imagine being 16 or over and European

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Legally you can drink if you’re on private property from age 8 and above.

That’s a thing why?

Your brain isn’t technically developed fully until 25 but that’s all I’m saying :woman_shrugging: