[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Vote now on your phones

This is a thunderdome, soā€¦

Reeeee yeah forget it, this all is fake
/vote Vulgard

didnā€™t you already do that

I think we need Isaac to talk more before we start making decisions.

In either case, I am still more trusting of him.

I think thereā€™s still good odds Vulgard is just trying his hardest to bring a town out with him.

But his defense feels partially genuine, at least.

I did not

Okay sorry,
lets go with consensusā€¦
May Teleology decide.

priestess honestly doesnā€™t give off town vibes


Does she ever?

Inb4 ToL fool

Priestess, is that like confirmation youā€™re scum? :eyes:

I just was like ā€œok if this ends with Vulgard being scum and we pardoned him here and lynched a town insteadā€¦ā€ and snapped

Iā€™m still IC, soā€¦
Idk anymore. Shall Tele handle that.

No seriously, when did priestess get revealed as IC?

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Let me spell it out for you.

10-11 town, but we have 3 neut claims (Arete, Luxy, Katze) so 10 town is more likely unless one of the neuts is actually groupscum.
Confirmed BD King.

3 town are currently dead.

8v4v3 is what we have right now, including King. 9v4v3 is the best-case scenario. Iā€™m not separating potential NK from neuts, thereā€™s a lot of possibilities. Best-case scenario is still 9v4v3.
Except the Kingā€™s vote doesnā€™t count.
Which means we can only maj someone if a neut votes with us (if the best-case scenario isnā€™t applicable), or if every single town member in the game votes on a wagon.
However, if we mislynch here, look what happens.

It goes to 7v4v3 (voting parity, we need TWO NEUTS TO VOTE WITH US) or 8v4v3 (still voting parity because Kingā€™s vote doesnā€™t count, we need one neut to vote with us).

And then 2 KP at night. If both go toward town, we canā€™t lynch anyone even if every neut votes with us. If one goes toward groupscum (which NK should absolutely do if there is an NK):

6v3v3 - voting parity, we need two neuts to vote with us because Kingā€™s vote doesnā€™t count

If none go toward groupscum:

5v4v3 - voting parity, Kingā€™s vote doesnā€™t count. We need every single living neut to vote with us if we want to lynch scum.


A mislynch here brings us to voting parity no matter what and we are forced to rely on neut votes to win the game from there.
We are FUCKED if we mislynch here unless the neuts end up being townsided or the town KP does a good job.

We are lynching Isaac because his claim is fake and he is almost certainly groupscum going for easy parity there.

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Parity is still not a thing in tolā€¦
but yeah I understand what you mean, I guess

Iā€™m sure I got the math wrong somewhere in there but in 90% of cases, we go to voting parity on mislynch.


The king has an ability to make someones vote count for 2.

Arete will side tele. ship aretele