[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

They also have no Omega Actions and some of them have been nerfed, but others were buffed to compensate for the lack of Omega Actions.

Templar was nerfed but I don’t remember how.

It’s irrelevant anyway. I have no idea which scum faction it is but if it’s something that can convert we can just concede already.

Did we all just forget simon existed?

Who is Simon?

Replaced kyo.

Until a scum flips or a class that only spawns with a specific faction flips, we probably won’t know if scum can convert.


Tele has mechanical info about Simon being BD and I’m willing to believe her.

Yeah Simon is town

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This is the first setup I’ve ever played where confirmability is huge but it’s still scumsided.

Blame kyo for claiming alice for no reason reee

Its not scumsided if we use our actions wisely

Crazy idea here. Kyo was CL and wanted to suicide-flip Alice, thus confirming his 3 other starting cultists.

Isaac’s here, gang up on him!

It sounds like Tele knows that wasn’t the case.

But that’d be hilarious


Gets out shotgun

Isaac claim, or we’ll break your elbows


Blue Dragon Investigative

SPK (Passive): All protective abilities used on you will fail.

Day Ability 1 - Create Towncore (2 use): Select any number of players. You will be notified if your list contains any non-BD players. This bypasses tailor and framing effects.

Night Ability 1 - Investigative magnet (inf use): If target player uses an investigative action, redirect them to yourself.

Standard Blue Dragon Wincon.



D1 - towncore luxy and boss (i’ve never regretted something so much forgot neutrals exist) - “Your list has non-bd players!”

N1 - Investigative magnet Jake

D2 - Towncore Vulgard - “Your list has non-bd players!” which means in any shape or form vulgard can’t be BD

Reason for calling vulgard scum - 3 neutral claims already (kat, arete, and luxy) and they all seem to be good meaning vulgard should be groupscum or neutral killer that means vulgard must be group scum or neutral killer

Reason for not claiming - SPK (Passive): All protective abilities used on you will fail.

Day Ability 1 - Create Towncore (2 use): Select any number of players. You will be notified if your list contains any non-BD players. This bypasses tailor and framing effects.

Bypasses tailor and framing effects.

I don’t understand vulgard, why would I fake a redcheck if i were already gettting townread.


:newspaper_roll:italy reeeee