[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

I don’t have a dayvig, I just want to fit in.

/dayvig katze

Do you have to? Probably not. But I don’t think I’m comfortable blindly trusting you when there’s already so many people confirmed to not be scum.

italian is a wonderful language

/dayvig literally everyone, including marshal and derps


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we need 3-4 town left

katze is locktown why are you dayvigging mech confirmed town :upside_down_face:

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Priestess is lockscum.

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Well, people townread both me and Italy too so it’s fine if you want to ignore the mechanic information

It was just an icings on the cake

Like I said, I am withholding info out of fear of claimvigs in play. I can at least say that i’m not your average miller

Yes actually dayvig everyone except me and gg

For you see, kat, you aren’t dealing with your average town miller anymore…


You two going to fight or something?


That’s right kat, i’ve risen beyond the limits of a normal townie, and into the realm of legend.

pokes head Make that 2-3 :wink:

bla bla bla, I get it!

If none of you got that reference, i’m going to force derps to let me dayvig everyone.

I have been wondering this for a while now, is she your sister?