[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Oh, oof.
Well even with a 6/8 it’s more or less the same thing.

Isaac literally tried to hammer me.

And seemed to have an excuse at the ready.
I’m thinking Isaac is scum with a really good fakeclaim tbh.

I really want Isaac to die now, again.
I thought he was town because of his claim (which fits) but YRINE as Simon would say.

This is a really weird situation, but unless some highly inconvenient mechanical bullshit happened, Isaac just can’t be town here. I know I’m Miraculous Investigative and not scum, yet he keeps pushing me and trying to hammer me at L-1.

Inofficial voting counter @SirDerpsAlot @Marshal

Accused Voters Votes
Insanity Jake, Luxy, Simon, Priestess, Vulgard 5/8
Vulgard Maxwell, Insanity, H_Hja, Arete, Wazza, Isaac 6/8

It was never near hammer, the highest we were was 6/8

Yeah, Derps added Luxy’s vote which apparently wasn’t there. Oof.

Just as reminder

Why do I suddenly feel like we have TvT wagons.

Insanity hasn’t even bothered to defend his slot whatsoever and it doesn’t feel right.

hmm idk

I know his posts are not great but this still feels wrong to me.

Besides my reads are still bad.

Accused Voters Votes
Insanity Jake, Luxy, Simon, Priestess, Vulgard 5/8
Vulgard Maxwell, Insanity, H_Hja, Arete, Wazza, Isaac 6/8

To be honest, this is my best guess.
@Teleology second check me

  1. Squid
  2. Soul [Died N1] The Tavern Keeper
  3. Issac
  4. Wazza
  5. Italy
  6. Jgoes [Lynched D2] KyoDaz
  7. Katze
  8. Jake
  9. Tele :crown:
  10. Priestess
  11. Kyo Simon
  12. Vulgard
  13. Arete
  14. Boss [Died N1] The Heiress
  15. Luxy
  16. Insanity
  17. Maxwell
  18. Hja

Reason why Vulgard didn’t get quicklynched: there were never enough votes on him, even with the massive amount of scum in this train, and Squid didn’t take the chance, since it wasn’t sure that it’s Hammer.

Why do you townread Isaac if you think there are three scum gunning for Vulgard’s head?

Insanity ISO, 30 posts


  • 80-90% of posts here have no value.
  • The ones with value are generally vague and confusing but it’s hard for me to determine them as absolutely extraneous.

@Isaac_Gonzalez and @Insanity hardclaims from both of you would be greatly appreciated. If both of you refuse then I’m voting Insanity.

Isaac’s full hardclaim (including logs) is in his ISO. I believe the claim. I don’t believe he’s town.

this applies to the entire thread

Day 1 I mean because Day 2 got much better.

im not that smart :confused:

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