[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

katze reeeee
I trusted you…

The thunder dome is priestess, insanity and isasc against vulgard squid and wazza

Don’t even try to kill Priestess tonight, I’ll be protecting her

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Priestess isn’t guaranteed scum by association

Do not end the day. I’m writing something.

happy priestess noices

Then we’ll just kill her at day :eyes:

Do that and I’ll shoot you instead, I swear to motherlord.

i’ve brought up 94-820954928240986 arguments why i should never be lynched here over insanity
i’m done

if you lynch me and i flip scum then the flip was tailored but you probably won’t believe this anyway because you don’t listen to my logic
if you lynch me and i flip town then I TOLD YOU SO and good fucking job
if you don’t lynch me then congratulations for making the correct decision

Do it

Will do then :man_shrugging:

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weird way to say 0

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This is not the first time lol

I’d shoot a prince if he refused to do anything about the obvious MM.

aight i think we have enough
i think we should swap to vote vul

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Being confed is meaningless if you refuse to deal with scum

/vote Vulgard
Time to end this.

Do not end the day