[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

O m n i m i l l e r i t a l y

I canā€™t read Italy. The guy manages to make himself look terrible as town all the time.

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Depends on the content. If itā€™s memes, then yes.

I am sure he is a miller at least

So what exactly you meant by this

I would finally be able to see scum!Italy in the XCOM game but he got modrevealed as scum so lmao.

Luxy is not neutral I believe.

If Clash of Cults (post-conversion) is any indication, Italy just doesnā€™t post as scum, but he also barely posts as town so yeah.

If Iā€™m right about these snippets of reads, Italy is town this game, but this bar is so low itā€™s hard not to meet it even when you arenā€™t trying.

Why not

  1. Iā€™m reading most people as null or light town right now, but the thread clima feelsā€¦ not poisoned by evils, at least not much. I think there are 2 or 3 scum lurkers.
  2. I want them to come online so I can clear them by interaction, or find them as suspicious. One of both.

Luxy, why would you hardclaim to clear an already mechanically confirmed town?

If neutral donā€™t claim today and we somehow managed to find them they will be pretty much dead, but I see you point
Can someone link me Luxy class

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So you

as someone you would call non-talker complained about other people being non-talkers

I wouldnā€™t see myself as non-talker, I think Iā€™ve put content in at least each post? :thinking: And I havenā€™t complained (yet)? I was myself the first 6 hours absent, since the game started in the middle of the night


Yeah, memes are basically the same as not-talking, since it doesnā€™t contribute to the thread?
Iā€™m not sure if you understood me right.

Thatā€™s correct

Tell me where have you contributed to thread

Priestess, have you claimed your exact class or are we doing digging in the GI2 thread