[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Hey @anon97870008,

This is coming from me. You have given no reasons that I or Squid are scum. I don’t care about Vulgard as you’re probably just going with what Isaac said.


The rest came not from you?

No, it came from his twin brother WozzoOzzo

And you fell for the bait.

OH heck, did you guys not read why Wazza/Squid/Vulgard are evil?

My head hurts with how stupid you are sometimes.


My heart is crying when you insult me.

My heart is crying when you literally call me scum for NO REASON, then when asked for the reason, you fall for one of the most classic blunders in human history.


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Italy, Jake, did you read the thread? Or shall I give you a tl;dr?

you’re scum for making that image, even if your classcard isn’t

Getting involved in a land war in asia?

why do you keep insulting priestess holy crap

So @anon97870008,

Answer the question

Apparently everyone gets offended when I swear without swearwords now?


what ur still insulting them

WoW gUYs I sWEaR wIThoUT sWeaRwOrDS!

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I apologize in advance, but I must say this very inappropriate word.
