[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

goshdarnit Isaac you had to go and create a paradox

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Italy and Jake will lynch me.

Town always makes this mistake and lose because of it. If thereā€™s a thunder domeā€¦ you donā€™t lynch outside of it!! :roll_eyes:

@WazzaAzza youā€™re stupid, no one likes you, youā€™re a failure.

looks at the thunderdome with Wazza and Italy in a previous game no one lynched in
both were Town

Sounds legit.

you are insulting someone I like very much, please stop

Okay addendum if you do it on purpose to get me to compliment someone it doesnā€™t count

Isaac and Vulgard canā€™t both be town

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I just want compliments, Iā€™m really alone.

Your avatar has cute hair

And whyā€™s that
King. My Reads Are Always Correct So We Must Follow Them Until The End Of Team And Sheep With Scum.

super noob

no u

His hair is literally called ā€˜Cum Hairā€™.

Maybe you should compliment something else.

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Iā€™m not saying my reads are always correct but Iā€™m pretty confident in them by now. It is no use though, I understand town will lose. Gg Wazza

You should cumb it more

Town will lose if we follow you.

Priestess is clearly scum and youā€™re denying that.

Your idea of insulting yourself to get me to compliment you was creative

town will lose if you kill me