[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

I’ll tell you who the other scum is tomorrow. I’ll put it in my logs in case I die. I have reasons for not outing it.

I mean, I get pretty ticked off if someone calls me lockscum repeatedly and sometimes I take it as an insult. It’s not the word itself, it’s more about the context that I’m not taken seriously

I can’t vote you’re correct

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Sell me your hitch though anyway

Make it all stop please
Lynch me kill me whatever idc i just want this to stop

FYI if we were scum, we could pile onto insanity to end the day immediately, and it would be parity.

Okay. I really want to, but I physically can not be bothered right now. We have like an hour left.

Two hours.

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Yeah makes sense. I have to go in 10 min

We’re on like 4/8 on Priestess, which just proves slow votes exist.

we need people to move to vote priestess
tele maybe use double vote?

Tele can’t vote at all.

She can double someone else’s vote.

1 use though

Alright, I’ve got a few minutes to convince then.

Why would I use that now? No way

You’ll probably die soon anyway, you’re an IC BD King, who wouldn’t want to kill you?

She can’t vote though

Even BD wants to kill me. But as soon as I use my double vote they will be converted

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Voting is kind of an OP social ability