[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

That’s hammer, right?

If you mean the chances to order the same deck. That’s actually:
1/80,658,175,170,943,878,571,660,636,856,403,766,975,289,505,440,883,277,824,000,000,000,000 chance.

What do I want, Italy?

I just want to not be visited

I know what you want. It’s your wincon. The question is, do you want me to say it infront of everyone?

Start shuffling 2 decks until you get the original order. While you are doing this, shuffle 1 deck until you shuffle it into order. Just because you may have shuffled 2 decks into order doesn’t mean the same for the 1 deck

No, because you’re wrong.

I want to pat your head.

Now, are we gonna do this the easy way or the hard way?

i will allow you to IF you vote priestess
cannot promise i will not stab you for it though

Accused Voters Votes
Vulgard H_Hja, Insanity, Isaac_Gonzalez, Priestess, Simon 5/8
Insanity Luxy, Vulgard 2/8
Priestess PoisonedSquid, WazzaAzza, Italy, JakeTheWolfie, Arete 5/8

Majority is 8.

Please @ me if a vote is wrong.
The search function for finding votes is somehow not finding votes correctly for me, so I’m skimming the thread to find them.

I’ll consider it.

Is Vulgards vote really on Insanity?

That feels strange.

search both “/vote” and “/unvote” in two separate tabs
Take the most recent entry for each person.

Something about this feels wrong.


Why? That’s literally the people who are voting me.

Maybe we should CFD back to Insanity?

I swear we should have 6/8?

Because vulgard’s not voting you.

And he…never did? hold on a minute

Vulgard liked my post earlier, and he’s been trying to Luxy the win for ages.