[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

If I was converted, jake would out me immediately.

vote vulgard for some candy


youā€™re bountying Insanity tonight you promised

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That promise isnā€™t very meaningful if you break it, is it?

you would be stupid to not bounty insanity as town

Italy listen

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Italy plz man stop voting for the wrong side

Italy if Vulgard flips scum will you not visit me

or i wonā€™t eat spaghetti forever

Sure, if youā€™re right. Iā€™ll accept I was wrong. I wonā€™t visit arete. But will you be right?
Take the dice.

But if he flips townā€¦

You should really bounty Insanity either way ;;-;;

Itā€™s not a dice roll. Vulgard is scum.

donā€™t you guys think we should vote with Luxy or else the neut votes will sway the game against us
/vote Insanity

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Well it doesnā€™t really matter who I bounty if voting parity is reached.

If you visit me Iā€™ll vote against you every time.

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Vul, I can seriously tell youā€™re just trying to achieve equality.

Priestess is scum but I donā€™t want Luxy to be against us because thatā€™s basically one additional scum we canā€™t lynch without wasting too many resources

why would I want the lynch to be randed here

Accused Voters Votes
Vulgard H_Hja, Insanity, Isaac_Gonzalez, Priestess, Simon, Arete 6/8
Insanity Luxy, Vulgard 2/8
Priestess PoisonedSquid, WazzaAzza, Italy, JakeTheWolfie 4/8

Majority is 8.

Please @ me if a vote is wrong.

Gotta make votecounts for every vote or Iā€™ll lose count