[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

vulgard is scum that is tailored lets vote simon

Thatā€™s impossible.

well it happened

So thereā€™s a minimum of 5 scum alive, possibly including 1-2 people with the NK wincon

Can you find me a GI class that can day tailor its own flip

One might exist, but

0% chance of this, sorry.
Insanity is dead now. If you werenā€™t groupscum with him you wouldnā€™t care that much about his iminent death.

Are we all good with not visiting me? Specifically with not occupying or attacking me.

So if no one visits you tonight, you win?




Thank you <3

If I visit you, Iā€™m throwing, so I wonā€™t.

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Nor will I.
No one should. Youā€™ve helped town tremendoiusly and we are very grateful.

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presses X to doubt but I appreciate you not visiting me

Wait, you claim the kill on Priestess?
I thought you said yesterday that you were incapable of killing Priestess last night for some reason and that was why you wanted her lynched yesterday.

Yes, I claim the kill on Priestess.

Tele was in Priestessā€™ backhand pocket. The odds were that she wouldā€™ve protected Priestess.


Iā€™m mildly annoyed that Priestess was town but itā€™s not like Iā€™m in any place to judge people for having bad reads

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I have a rant to do at the end of the game.

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Isaac is 100% evil.