[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Hja is bd
Maxwell is bd
Squid is bd

Itā€™s not hammer yet, youā€™re telling someone to hammer, am I correct?

I wonā€™t turn against you because you guys helped me win

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If scum have majority, you wouldnā€™t have much choice, would you?

Yes he would.

Luxyā€™s already won, he wouldnā€™t care.

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it is true that you couldnā€™t have won without town.
Arete needed help from all sides to win so itā€™s a bit trickier to determine where their allegiances will ultimately lie.

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Squid I have already won I will not help them they can nightkill me for all I care


@Scum waste your nightkill on me you wonā€™t

I have a deep gut feeling that someoneā€™s pulling the strings hard here because nothing can be solved this quickly

@PoisonedSquid Luxy can do whatever he goddamn pleases. Heā€™s won the game but still gets to live after today,

Squid, you are making me suspect you more.

The fact you are in the 2/3 of these people are scum, really makes me lead to the fact that you are in fact scum.

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Squid hammer it

I donā€™t give a shit. I donā€™t think youā€™re normally a Town Leader like this and thatā€™s really making me concerned

Not swearing on the forums changes a guy. I donā€™t know what you want me to say.

Besides, all the usual town leaders are either dead, neutral, or idiots.

Squid he had my shoes to fill, and they are very big shoes

Itā€™s not just a lack of swearing, my dude. Youā€™re way more pushy than usual and it triggers an unnatural feeling in me. If we do have an NK and we donā€™t find them, then theyā€™re going to fuck us over for how quick weā€™re doing shit

What do you want me to say, we have no way of figuring out the NK at this point and Iā€™ve seen no signs of one. Have you or something?

I never used to be a town leader but you didnā€™t care about that Squid