[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

BD now converted might I add

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Ok someone hammer thanks I will be your pocket neutral

anyone wanna bet that im scum

Still disappointed in priestess.

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Remember not to visit me

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Hammer Insanity to prove you are not scum

Eh, my voteā€™s on you, soā€¦

guys seriously can we end the day otherwise I wonā€™t be here for daystart tomorrow lol.

Thatā€™s what the regular day hours are for

/vote insanity watch this flip

Hammer has been reached.

Please refrain from posting.

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Accused Voters Votes
Insanity Luxy, WazzaAzza, Maxwell, Arete, Simon, Isaac_Gonzalez 6/6
Isaac_Gonzalez Italy, PoisonedSquid 2/6

Okay what the fuck lmao


silence. I need to figure something out gimme a few min

flip delayed for idk how long due to day ability processing. Please sit tight.

Insanity has been lynchedā€¦

Princess Justice


Cult 2.0 Investigative
Secret Identity (Passive) - If you claim any form of your class in the main thread, all protective abilities on you will fail and your Enhanced Defense passive will fail.
Enhanced Defense (Passive) - If you get attacked for the first time, it will be negated.
Scales of Judgement (Day) - Youā€™ll be told the exact class of the player if they are a member of the uninformed majority such as Blue Dragon or Town. - 1 Use
Righteous Surveillance (Night) - Watch over a player tonight. You will know if theyā€™ve been protected that night. - Infinite Uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any harmful neutrals

N3 begins it will last 24 hours or untill I have all actions


Processing actions now


After the carnage the night before, things seemed almost peaceful compared to today.

Italy has diedā€¦

Izuna Hatsuse


Blue Dragon Social
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Not a Cagirl (Passive) - Omnimiller.
Court Spies (Day) - Select 2 players. Send a message saying ā€œNobleā€™s Spies close in on you!ā€ to any targeted members of the Unseen/Cult. Those targeted members will be removed from Unseen/Cult chat for the coming night and day. - 0 uses.
Gossip (Night) - Target a player and learn if any and which of these things happens to them tonight. - Infinite Uses

They were successfully Investigated.
They were successfully Occupied.
Their target was successfully swapped.

Bounty (Night) - If target player is executed tomorrow and is Blue Dragon then there will be an additional vote for execution. Only one Bounty may take effect per day. - 1 uses
Defeat all scum factions and any harmful neutrals

Italy logs

Italy The Technically Not A Ca t girl

D1 - Spy Wazza & Jgoes (take that scum faction)
N1 - Bounty Jgoes
D2 - Spy Squid & Max
N2 - Gossip Arete (take that!)
N3 - Bounty Simon (Must now hiss in forum thread?)

Day 4 start, it ends in 48 hours or when someone gets lynched

who is alive /vote wazza

Well, I have a post restriction now, but I fucking won, so.

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