[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

You realize that I’m death immune

He also has two votes, meaning if he kills Hja all he has to do is be online before me and Luxy both are and he’d just fucking autowin

I understand but I won’t say anymore

It’s torture not being able to use punctuation btw

fucking :eyes:

Although my classcard was ammended such that I can only succeed on Mindstorm once per person, I have use of one mindstorm left, to use on Hja. Meaning that since Squid is the CL (H_Hja was Insighted as S/S and Squid outed them as the current Harbrinnger), I just mindstorm H_Hja as the same CL class that Squid flips as today, and succeed. Meaning that I will get another strongman tonight which I would use to kill you or Hja tonight; it would succeed either way since it will bypass death immunity and I am occupation and redirection immune.


BD is mathematically locked out of the game, unfortunately.


There’s no Ult Leader. I’m the Torturer and we never had onversion. So using that reasoning is b a d

NK victories are neat but rewarding people who helped me out is also pretty fucking neat

well then you just outed to me for no reason.


Also if the game ends then I can find out what the fuck happened with Vul and Isaac

I was one of the strongest proponents for pushing people to not visit you.
I mindstormed you night one. I knew you were legit.

Also lynching Squid now should end the game too as I’ll have unbeatable parity with my double vote.


I mean, if we lynh you, the game’s over anyway. I just want this game to end already for everyone’s sake

That doesn’t count lol

The game is over if you are lynched now as well.

I cannot mathematically lose if you’re lynched today.


Oh okay then I lose either way lmao

WhAt If I tYpE aS iF i hAd aLl Of YoUr PoSt ReStRiTiOnS


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Let’s lynch Max

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And I an’t lose if we lynh you. Nothing hanges exept for the person or people who win

Wait… Wrong person. I hate mobile sometimes