[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Do you think there’s anything I could or should have done that I didn’t? Same for groupscum.


The gods smite tele…

Chosen by the Chalice :crown:

Blue Dragon Social
Hold the Torch (Passive) - You are death immune. Should you die, no one can become the king anymore.
Present King (Passive) - Due to your constant travels around the kingdom, you can’t vote and don’t count towards majority. However, you are revealed to be aligned with the Blue Dragon when you gain this class.
Voice of the People (Day) - Your target’s vote will count by two for the remaining of the game - 1 use.
Research (Night) - If you use Research two nights in a row, the host may present you three dreaming god-esque research results, from which you can pick one. - Infinite uses.
Head of Battlefield (Night) - Rally your allies to an inspiring cry. Choose a target. They will be protected against death tonight, and you will know all day abilities targeting them tomorrow. - 3 uses.
Defeat all scum factions and any harmful neutrals


Wait, I used my limited use ability a night or two ago. You should be bleeding by now

@PoisonedSquid this quote should have been put under night 4 in this post, not night 3. Mind flayer is bleed immune. The fact that you tried to bleed me last night is just another blunder that shows you never figured out I was NK on my own.

Even if NK wasn’t bleed immune, I would just heal myself tonight because I succeeded a mindstorm attempt on a support class (Waz) last night.


*on your own.


Atually, I took away your limited use abilities AND I was going to do my other night ability, but Hja deterred me, so I did figure it out.

I just didn’t know what type of NK you were whih would be really hard in this setup

You never showed as much in thread.
Taking away my limited use abilities also failed to hurt me at all because Mindstorm is a passive and Brain Destruction has infinite uses.


I was way more Townie than you towards the first half while you just kept lurking or hid in the shadows. BD wouldn’t listen to reason after all

Oh yeah, and you never tried to kill me or Hja. That would have made things easier for you

Read my logs. I mindstormed you and found your claim as bullshit.
I did try to kill you night 3 with a whisper of insanity, but that failed.


That’s beause Hja kept healing me :woman_shrugging:

It is true that I lurked day 1 because I was extremely busy with school, but never after that. I would say I have been noticably more active than you for the rest of the game since day 1. Please don’t accuse me of lurking; you exhibit mass inactivity in basically every game you play in. I know it’s because of school, but I have school too, so you don’t really have the right to make this accusation.


Do you remember Day 2? You know, the one where I pushed Priestess real hard and started a TvT thunderdome? The one I made a major meme for? Saying I didn’t do anything past Day 1 is a flat out lie, so now you’re saying something that isn’t true

I never said that you didn’t do anything past day 1. I just said I believe I was noticably more active than you after day 1.

I knew it was a TvT thunderdome from the start as priestess had no mechanical evidence and I insighted Vul as S/I. I just decided that it was in my best interest not to interfere with the TvT thunderdome.

Since NK is so hard to win as in FM, my choice was to prioritize wittling down town first for most of the game. I knew that if I wanted to win I would be at the will of the neutrals. The difference is, I figured out who the scum team was a long time ago and chose to put the game in the neutrals’ hands. You guys did not choose. You were frantically searching for the NK; thinking it may have been Waz or Isaac. You also bled me when almost every NK is bleed immune or else can easily otherwise survive being bled.

It was my decision from almost the start to finish the game in a showdown with groupscum with neutrals holding the keys to the finale. For most of the past couple days, you guys were just bumbling about searching desperately for the NK and never finding me before I outed myself.

My ultimate analysis is that you guys could have won without neut help if you had played better and thought more effectively and found me before it was too late for you to win on your own. With how hard NK is to win as in FM, I do not believe it was possible for me to win on my own. This is exactly the endgame scenario I was pursuing the entire game. That is not the case for your team.


I tried to get rid of you, but BD was so aught up in the whole 4 team idea AND I was more voal. Ask Vul, Priestess, or Wazza. I poketed at least two townies while you had nobody to bak you up. I was more hidden alignment wise and therefore set townies and you in PoE

/spec @Marshal @SirDerpsAlot

Ultimately, in the end, you failed in this endeavour. My call of bullshit on your use of the limited use ability purging ability was trusted across the board.

Just look at Waz’s logs. In the end, he trusted me to be town over you.

I was more effective at seeming towny this game. I became more and more and more convincing at hiding and seeming towny as the game progressed, while you and your scumteam waned in this regard, while you and your scumteam were definitively identified by multiple people in the court at least one, if not two days ago.


Even Arete believed me that you were scum yesterday. I successfully convinced the court that you were exposed yesterday without ever outing myself in any way.


Kingmaker situations are fucking dumb

I could literally demand you guys write sonnets to determine the winner (to be clear I’m not doing that)