[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!


Itā€™s up to you to determine if being read as groupscum when I was actually NK should hurt me and if so by how much @Arete

As I said, even though I knew Vul vs. Priestess was a TvT thunderdome because of Insight, my goal was always was to help the neuts win as best I could, to wittle down town first, and then put my fate versus the groupscum in the hands of the neuts. I have accomplished this goal of mine and now you and Luxy can decide the game however you would like.


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I knew it was a TvT thunderdome because I insighted Vul as S/I, not because I was groupscum or any other reasoning.


I chose to let the thunderdome play out, even though I had that knowledge. Again, I played this game from the start with the goal to make it to the point where the neuts would decide the game, because I truly and wholeheartedly believe that given my skill level and the nature of NK in forum mafia, it would not be possible for me to win without neutral allegiance, period.


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Hataboā€™s servant: ā€œMr. Flag, you have a -all from the President.ā€
The Green Matsuno Brother: ā€œPresident?ā€
Former President Obama: ā€œHi, Mr. Flag.ā€
The Green Matsuno Brother: ā€œOBAMA?!ā€

Good Morning, I hve lost the bility to use 1 vowel letter in my posts

Ayyyyy, weā€™re in the same boatā€¦ kind ofā€¦ Do you want to vote Maxwell? I lost my vote beause of my tough post restrition

Alright Luxy, what are we fucking thinking

I donā€™t know is squid bd becoz I promised to side BD

BD is dead

Hja and Squid are Cult

Maxwell is NK

Squid has no vote for today

Maxwell has a double vote

How does mxwell hve double vote mind flyer doesnā€™t hve double vote

Tele gave him a permanent double vote yesterday

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W/e /vote Hj

WhY U Do ThIs

You didnā€™t help me

I dId

I wOuLd hAvE kEpT InSaNiTy AlIvE

/vote H_Hja



A a a a a a a

Stop talking, thatā€™s hammer

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