[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Yeah but Mind Flayer is my boi and neutral is closer to BD than cult is and neutral is my faction

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Anyways I gotta shower so I’ll be back in a few min

Also add mind flayer to regular FoL I really like it

It’s already added

I also actually really like chosen by the chalice I think it’s a interesting and decently balanced king

What it is

he quoted his result and still got it wrong

how do you quote your result wrong I don’t get it

It probably will be added after SFoL 00.

But you guys should’ve seen the original version of it check SFoL Infection 1

It was added last patch

I see I missed that

We were baffled also


Or was it just geyde being geyde

But yeah I’ll let mods decide what happens with Isaac


No geyde was proposing them for addition nothing has been added yet


Mind Flayer is a thing in FoL
Read feedback thread

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Oh it got added yay

Along with rebalanced Alch
And bus driver

And a few other things

I mean, I did defend Vulgard because his class is one that I made :woman_shrugging: