[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

You were a good host. Sometimes I get anxious when things don’t start when they’re supposed to so thank you for always keeping us informed

Few questions.

Would you guys like to see a multiball GI?

Should I add a scum claimvig to help with confirm ability?

Death to kingmakers?

Any other suggestions?

I mean I feel like you made it pretty fair this game. I feel like a scum claim vig would be good for encouraging people to read socially rather than mechanically

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Oh also I wanna make a bastard game based around dreaming gods HMU if you wanna do that with me

  1. 24+ if you’re doing that
  2. Yes
  3. YES
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So if I had considered it before I would have killed kingmakers but I didn’t think it was fair to do that because I hadn’t mentioned it anywhere

What’s a kingmaker anyway? A neut that’s already won?

yeah. a neut thats won and will decide the game


What he said

Makes it really hard for NK then but :confused:

No one else is really neuts out and neuts deciding is annoying

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Just give f5 wincon
It’s high powered rolemadness
It isn’t that hard

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It’s the best.
It’s why I’m running that in SFoL 57.

I should add all Non-NK neuts who have already achieved their wincon will die instantly in SFoL 57.

@eevee @Luxy @PoisonedSquid Please publicize the cult, dead, and spectator chats to this game when you can.

Add me to them then.

@Marshal @SirDerpsAlot

Spectator chat is a no



Unfortunately, due one or more members requesting the chat to not be released for privacy reasons, we will be unable to release the spectator chat.

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Ah fair ty