[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

This is why I made the new Electromagnetic Channeler NK class for SFoL 57

You were a claimed neutral King though.

Well ok not completely but definitely like at least 60% town if groupscum is 0% and town is 100%

Which meant that I was definitely going to guard you, because if you’d died overnight I’d have been very dead

NK can make real reads is their advantage


Real sin here is that Teemo didn’t spawn


you do realize it was all part of scumgod marshal’s secret gambit to make town trust you more, and hoping you secretly understood and sided with us.

They always have the ability to pinpoint the groupscum much faster than the actual town
Not to mention I as Mind Flayer had Mindstorm so I knew instantly if claims were legit. It’s why I trusted all the neut claims lol as I knew they mechanically had to be true.

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I don’t get that rationale, because you’d be even more dead if you were just attacked at night. :thinking:

maxwell also won because literally everyone and their mother claimed.


I never claimed but people claimed for me :sob:

You all are fools lmao
I got a strongman every night except night 3
Night 3 I disproved Squid’s fake claim by failing a mindstorm and tried to use whispers of insanity on them which would have destroyed their logs and made them flip Trickster but they were healed by Hja and guarded by Tele.

No one was going to attack me on N1.

Arete your class would be hard af to win with had you not claimed


Would have been all luck with terrible odds and nearly impossible.

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I have philosophical objections to neuts that benefit from open-claiming on D1



So Solic and I are now in the elite NK win club for non-bastard, non-turbo games on this site. Is there anyone else? @Solic


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