[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Because some players have a tendency of acting scummy and that’s an objective fact. For some it’s a playstyle thing, for others it’s not knowing how to not act scummy (which is something that should be fixed).

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I literally just posted a full ISO of your posts.

I might just mute Priestess.

I only said that about you and Priestess :woman_facepalming:

Holy hecking shit, calm down.

I was trying to point that she keeps using the same reasoning but that work too

Because I woke up less than an hour ago and my mind’s not as clear

What do you think about soul

I’m actually pretty calm. Testing out a different playstyle.


I don’t like your playstyle :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure if Grand Idea is the best playground for it but w/e.

Can you tl;dr your reasonings on me then? Thanks

I don’t remember any of his posts except that he claimed Mafioso which sounds pretty much like a joke. I don’t think he claimed scum in a game before, so I’m trying to figure out if it’s something important

Oh this post… I haven’t seen it o.O

Well, if someone care enough to search the grand idea thread they will probably already find it, I see no reason to hide it when you already give an enough hint to you class

  1. Agenda.
  2. Lack of reasoning for the things you say.
  3. Jumping to conclusions about people’s alignment and the threadstate.

“Hey Luxy, play the game” - “performative and unnecessary”? :thinking:


What do you think about situation he made that joke in

Wait… you think this kind of reads are scummy in nature?

Luxy pushes on me because he’s neut. That’s fair.
Vulgard tho… he seems 100% convinced that I’m scum. Not 90% or 80%. 100%

@katze Please tell me that this doesn’t count yet as wallpost, thanks >.>