[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Actually upon second glance that was more mediumposting

Possible Corax Cult?

even I had low activity there

Probably just a flavour

No because being vanilla doesnā€™t make me lowpost (c.f. Marson)

I feel like thatā€™s something to look out for too. We canā€™t completely clear Arete because Arete is capable of claiming intelligently as scum, and also there are evil neuts who wouldnā€™t want to openly claim

The only real low activity I know from myself wasā€¦
In my glorious hecked Prince game, because everyone was blaming me lul

Fight me noob

ok marson was expection
what I meant that it is comparable to acitivty and motivation of thread since that almost always case with vanilla games

And I was fifth highest poster out of 9 which means I had comparatively low activity not just absolute low activity

yes because it was vanilla game again

Inb4 the scum faction is the Syndicate.

To be fair I rebalanced it a bit so it shouldnā€™t be so scary, but still.

But it being a vanilla game would affect the four people above me too

it would but not in same way

I mean considering there is a lot of confirmed town and itā€™s supposed to be more balanced, the scum team is probably pretty strong

holy hellā€¦ not again, please
Letā€™s just not lynch me before D3, okay? Thanks. Now you can scumread me further, so much as you like

Anyways this is a dumb argument thatā€™s distracting us from gamesolving, and also I need to go to class

Why does Arete want to gamesolve as their class though? :thinking:

The flashbacks are killing me