[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

What? You’re acting like I want to out my class or faction.

Just confess you are BD
I know its shameful…

we’ve already mechconfirmed 5 BD, and have 3 neut claims, you kinda want to be BD here

/vote Wazza
Why are you scum :sob:

I’d imagine a Blue Dragon wouldn’t be afraid to out their faction :eyes:

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chat down :crab:


Then you’re scum.

initial server error

Yeah I really don’t understand that. If you don’t wanna claim BD because you think you will be attacked for it you’re not gonna be attacked since you’re in the PoE… and if you don’t wanna claim neutral then you’re harming your own slot because there are too many neuts and if you claimed we could figure out that one of them is evil and save your slot. The only thing that makes sense rationally is that Wazza is a class that is not allowed to claim their faction?


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No no.

@anon97870008 if I’m scum, you’re scum.

I love you forever, but I have a kat I have to take care of

Hello, can you look in the camera please and say “I am a member of the Blue Dragon faction.”


this is leveling

There is no gun disguised as a camera.

This is like me in LOTRFM because I was being overly cautious about getting modkilled

My class is called “Priestess of Law”

Go look it up.


So you are lockscum?