[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

I can’t help but facepalm everytime you talk about people being lock-clear.

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Did Kyo say anything in his rolecard to explain why he would make that particular play?

Thanks for essentially saying “Jake please stop playing”

You do realize that this is sessentially “I want to eliminate town because town can be bad, therefore town is bad”

This will suck for you then. If I am dead, you will be the Lynch.

So he didn’t say ‘gay’ here.

So he’s just offensive then?

Aight well now I have a reason to shoot him for being an offensive little- well you get the point.

he left me a note yes.
part of why he chose that particular claim was that he believed he would almost certainly die n1 otherwise.
i, of course, disagree

I’m pretty sure he’s actually gay, like, in real life

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It’s still offensive as he wasn’t talking about himself.

Directed towards themself or someone who is actually gay, I have no problem with, but literally calling everything he talks about gay, is another story. I’m still shooting him tonight.

You’re deliberately going to kill a town because you’re guiltless? That’s like the President of the US saying he’s going to burn Millions of dollars worth of food because he can. Ultimately it will do more harm than good. I am the single most important class right now, and if I die, we might just lose D2.

Depends. I don’t want to policy lynch anyone. But if the person just decides to troll instead of playing, I mean, w/e? Show me that I’m wrong. Please

Isn’t that literally what he’s doing?

This is not consistent with your normal attitude on mislynches :thinking:

give me time to wake up I’ll be fine in a couple of mins

:man_shrugging: not my problem really, we lose early, my problems are gone anyway.

Think again. You know that I’m killing BD on purpose as BD, if necessary.

This is not town Mindset. Wazza, if you don’t care about the game, replace out. At the very least someone who actually cares about the game more than a gamethrowing punk like you will actually contribute. Unless you’re scum, of course. In which case, you’re moving healers onto me so you can either kill someone else scott-free, or so you can power kill them.


Can you explain why you would rather Wazza kill a mechanically cleared person than someone in the PoE (i.e. someone who might be scum)

Bruh, don’t encourage people to replace out

Wazza, are you okay?