[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Kind of necessary if they give it the succesful feedback. :stuck_out_tongue:


If in doubt it has no feedback its limited feedback

yeah we just went for instant because of the special buff(and the fact that he chose a special n1).

I don’t think there was much wrong with it, because we did end up making it so that we could not do someone twice(which he was planning to do with arere)

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Still waiting for Isaac reaction

He gave one already in dead chat


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Oh shyt
Oh god
Eye dieded

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Hey but Isaac’s cool :slight_smile:

Oh noes

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I can make a Shurian Pathogen PR

That every single post you make must either be full of content judged by the hosts or fluff posting with “:3”, “UwU”, “Crunching popcorn”, “OwO”, “LUL”

You darn well know I’d make nothing but fluffposts

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3 pictures as abilities. Dreaming God.

gg @anon97870008 , sorry for killing you in-game

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Yes, Isaac is cool. His mistake could have happened to everyone of us.

Witchhunting is not cool, guys, and everyone, who brought up the fact that he has a punishment history, should be ashamed of themselves.


I am ashamed. I didn’t realize it wasn’t intentional until I had already posted about it.

this was a really weird game and it feels bad to win in the manner that I did

I was given feedback that wasn’t in line with what luxy intended for this class which he created, and then a misread of feedback completely doomed town despite this being a really townsided setup.

I failed to kill scum at night twice. I killed you priestess because I thought you were groupscum

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That was mine, lol.

Sorry Kyo.

The real issue is, forum mafia in this forum tends to overextend and arch into people. Like, in the fiesta on D2, Isaac was (rip him) and Vulgard was trying so hard… Maybe too hard.

Rip him too, Vul tried too hard that he resorted to the one thing he shouldn’t have, and just like I did with Kyo in LT, you did with Vul when he started ATEing.

Like, the similiarity is uncanny. Except in 56, it was Town with mistaken idea VS Town. Personally, I’d take this as a learning experience and move on.

And, Isaac now knows to reread his results LOL

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