SFoL 58 Balance Talk Thread Revamped

NKs in this game:

The Blue Dragon, The Mad King, The Plutocratic King and the Possessor are victorious!

Going to change to the current version of Inq as well

The Inquisitor :shield: :fire:

Neutral Investigative
Zealous Pursuit (Passive) - You hunt three heathens. Their starting classes are [x], [x] and [x]. They are ignorant of their own heresy. You will commit suicide after completing your righteous mission.
Holy Blessing (Passive) - You are death and bleed immune only once.
Interrogate (Night) - Learn whether target player is a heathen. Does not bypass tailors. - Infinite uses
Ruthless Efficiency (Night) - Guess target’s player exact starting class. Can only guess Blue Dragon Heathen classes from Zealous Pursuit. If incorrect, disable Holy Blessing and Ruthless Efficiency. If correct, provided they are a heathen, kill target player bypassing everything. You cannot be prevented, occupied or redirected. This does not count as a visit. - Infinite uses
Live to see all heathens die.

Heathens cannot be neutrals, unique Unseen, or Kings. Both factions will have at least one heathen.

The Inquisitive King (Unofficial Class) :shield: :fire:

Neutral Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day.
Archbishop (Passive) - Your vote counts as two if there are more than 5 players alive and you may use both day abilities at once. Immune to occupation and redirection. You are immune to death and bleeding once. Your abilities do not count as visits.
Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Sword of Damocles (Day) - If nobody hits majority by the end of the day, then the player with the most votes will be executed. - One use
Guard Shakedown! (Night) - Learn if target player is a heathen. If so they cannot be prevented from dying by any means this night. If not, they will be death immune this night. - Infinite uses
Ruthless Efficiency (Night) - Guess target’s player exact starting class. Can only guess Blue Dragon Heathen classes from Zealous Pursuit. If incorrect, disable your one time death/bleeding immunity and Ruthless Efficiency. If correct, provided they are a heathen, kill target player bypassing everything. You cannot be prevented, occupied or redirected. This does not count as a visit. - Infinite uses
Live to see all heathens die.

The Possessor :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer
Driven (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and target changing.
Blackened Shield (Passive) - You are immune to death at night. In addition you are immune to bleeding and will be informed upon being bled.
Mind Control (Day) - Cancel target player’s vote for the rest of the day. Additionally, your second target requires one less vote for execution this day. - 2 uses :crown:
Puppet Strings (Night) - Control a player and force them to kill someone. Can be forced to target themselves. :crown:
Possess (Night) - Kill the target player. Their class will appear as one of your choice, and they will have information in their logbook of your choosing (or no logbook if nothing is specified). You will know what class they truly were, and what their logbook said. - 3 uses :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

The Reaper :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer
Consume Soul (Passive) - If you die at night with at least one soul, you will consume it and come back to life. (Does not work if executed by The Prince) You start with two souls. You will gain one soul on a successful reap. You are aware of the number of souls you hold.
Icy Touch (Day) - Choose to do a number of the following actions to target player. You will consume a soul for each action chosen. Occupy target player this day. Occupy target player this night. Cancel target player’s vote for the rest of the day. - Infinite uses :crown:
Reap (Night) - Reap the soul of a player, killing them bypassing healing and occupying them. - Infinite uses :crown:
Gather Darkness (Night) - Use Reap on target player. In addition, choose to do a number of the following modifications. You will consume a soul for each modification chosen. Bypass death immunity or you are occupy/redirection immune for this night. - Infinite uses :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

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NK wincons need to be updated to reflect that HoB is a thing and Cult isn’t.

the ones just posted need to
But I changed the nk wincon to be live to the final 5
all but 1 which i missed (begrudged) reflect that in the OP

If the NK is one of the last 5 players alive, the game will end instantly, the nk will win, and everyone else besides neuts that have completed their wincon will lose.

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How are you handling prestige with other ultra confirmable town roles

The BD/HoB unseen starting convert class can have prestige (and contribute to the 3 limit)
And everyone can be converted

This description does not match the conversion rules.

Neither does this one. You know how to update them.

Maybe do this?

Death Writ (Night) - Cannot be used until Night 3. The target of the King’s night ability tonight will be killed. (1 use)

I’m not sure why this ability exists though. How does it further the Viscount’s wincon?

This needs to convert the dead player to Hand of Byzantium.

yes i know the conversion text there doesn’t match the rules i set
i cannot fix this now as im out of edits for the next 12 hours

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OG is supposed to kill king’s target

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Oooh. Then I like it, actually.
Lemme quickedit.

How would this happen

Like you could convert them and then resurrect them as a convert after?

That seems kinda cool

No, their alignment just changes once they are able to talk.
There would be no reason to allow town extra reads.



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ok i’ll add that
if you have an idea for fixed classcard that would be cool