SFoL 58 Balance Talk Thread Revamped

Then I’d remove it on all of the Kings, but obviously that is up to you.
I’m just going to say that the Kings at the current stage are broken and overpowered.

what ability exactly should i remove from all the kings?

I mean, this

alone paired together can literally sway one wagon without anybody doing anything, and people can’t punish the cowardly king for it.

Not exactly remove it but at least nerf it so it isn’t a complete gamechanger

Nerf how?

The doublevote could be changed to ‘your vote counts as two as long as there are seven or more players alive’, to match the ‘five or more’ from original FoL since original FoL is a 16er and this is a 20er.

Additionally, ‘you may use both day abilities at once’ should probably be removed. The day abilities themselves should be fine.

The current kings are an example of how to nerf it.
Impose the five player limit ect. other than that just find scenarios in which the abilities are broken.
I’ll show you one where he can use two day abilities at once is broken in a moment

is this sufficient? @KyoDaz
Note the standard for this game will be that Plurality is disabled except when Sword of Damocles is activated

Could just say defeat both main factions

Spiteful on Cowardly King is a bad passive because it punishes town for removing a player who can side against them.

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It’s cannon to the class but maybe it’s bad
Should I remove it?


Ok then I will. Spiteful passive on cowardly king is now gone
All kings now have the passive eliminated that allowed them to use multiple day abilities on the same day

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Vote Count - First players that come to mind
Let’s pretend I’m Vulgard.

Majority is 7

KyoDaz - 5 (Maxwell, Solic, Arete, Priestess, Teleology, Geyde)
Maxwell - 1 (Kai_5)
Vulgard :crown: (KyoDaz)

Day ends in X amount of time, something like 3 minutes.

/Royal Pardon KyoDaz
/vote Maxwell

Vote Count

KyoDaz - 0 (Maxwell, Solic, Arete, Priestess, Teleology, Geyde) (Royal Pardoned)
Maxwell - 3 (Kai_5, Vulgard)
Vulgard - 1 :crown: (H_Hja)

/Sword of Damocles

Maxwell will be lynched in 3 minutes.

This has completely swayed the lynch with two abilities.
Not only that Town can’t lynch the King for doing so as they get punished with

and even if they let them live Royal Pardon has two usages so I’m able to walk free from the lynch for two days provided I don’t end up dying in the night.

I’m honestly not sure if this version of Alch is good because 99% of the time you will just want to side with the Unseen (since you have to do it day 1).

Insurgent is mentioned when it does not exist. Also, this should be updated so it does not include the Visionary, the Heroine, the Arbiter and the Champion. Including these would be stupid. Including the starting random convert is fine.

Also I’m not sure if Heathens should be informed.

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Good idea

King can’t use both abilities on the same day = problem solved.

And im using the updated INQ now i decided

It can still completely prevent the lynch.

here @Vulgard