SFoL 58 Balance Talk Thread Revamped

if you have any ideas for class revisions, please feel free to post them here

1shot flip tailor per Champion?

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Make arbiter an omni miller

I have no idea what that means but k

So let’s compare.
Both can bleed in day phase.
Champion can take an ability from a previous class if they were a convert. Heroine has night immunity bypass if Blue Dragon members have died. More or less the same power level.
Both can attack at night, but Heroine doesn’t kill neuts (very helpful for finding neuts).
Champion has a one-shot 2 KP, Heroine has a strongman kill with Call to Arms that also removes logs.
I feel like both could be buffed; Heroine is given occ/red immunity while Champion is given this:

Corpse Swap (Day) - Choose a player. If you successfully kill them tonight, they will flip as a class of your choice with a logbook of your choosing or an empty logbook. (1 use)

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The thing is, if we buff the killers it might make the scum factions too strong. I’m actually not sure.
I don’t think these buffs are huge but they might be just a little too much.

We’ll have to talk with other vets about it

To be fair though we did kinda nerf them with this so maybe it evens things out.

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BD gets nightkill power and resilience while HoB gets better fakeclaims/bamboozling (Arbiter’s redirection, Champion’s flip tailor).

I honestly like this.

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Not to mention arbiter can take a day ability from any class in the game he wants even prestige

Just means that he appears evil. Twas a joke

So that a failed execution doesn’t instantly out the arbiter, adding this back into the class

The Arbiter :crossed_swords: :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Special
Battle-Tested (Passive) - Immune to every possible form of death except a lynch. You cannot be killed even by the duke. This passive is a form of supreme protection that overrules death immunity bypassing attacks.
Imperial Pledge (Passive) - You are entirely immune to all forms of occupation and redirection for the entire game. You keep this passive even if you choose to become the Champion or become elected as a Purified King. You also cannot be imprisoned by the duke. If the duke attempts to imprison you, he will think he has imprisoned you and you will be able to send a message to each other, but you will not actually be occupied. If the Duke attempts to execute you, he will fail and instead the champion will counterattack, unleashing a bonus strike onto the duke which bypasses any and all forms of healing and protection in addition to their normal night action. There will be at least one hour each time between EoN and SoD; if this occurs, you will have that period available to replace the Duke’s logs with whatever you would like or nothing at all.
Inside Seclusion (Passive) - You will appear as a class of your choice which you can inform the host at the start of the game or when you are promoted to the arbiter which you would like for to investigators. This class can be any class in the game, even any prestige class. You are fully immune to all investigative abilities for the entire game and will always appear as your desired class to investigators. You may choose one day ability from this class to add to your classcard. Additionally if you are the original Arbiter and die, if and ONLY IF the current Champion is the original champion, they will become the new Arbiter. The only exception to this is a Socialite who will automatically become the new Arbiter before the Champion and the Magistrate who will do so if and only if the Arbiter is lynched during the day. Otherwise, there will not be a second arbiter, and there can never be a third Arbiter.
Imperial Urgency (Day) - Become the Champion at the start of the night; if there is a current champion, if they are the original champion, they will become the new Arbiter; if not, they will become their convert class again. Cannot be used before day 4. - One use
Entrust (Night) - Convince someone to join the Hand of Byzantium. - Infinite uses, 1 day cooldown, except to convert a fourth member to the Hand of Byzantium, in which case that is a two day cooldown.
Imperial Judgment (Night) - Target a player. You may force them to target another, or force them to target themselves. If they target themselves, they will instead be occupied. You will also know who visits them. - Infinite Uses
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

No no no, it was a joke. Millers appear evil to invests

Imperial Pledge (Passive) - You are entirely immune to all forms of occupation and redirection for the entire game. You keep this passive even if you choose to become the Champion or become elected as a Purified King. You also cannot be imprisoned by the duke. If the duke attempts to imprison you, he will think he has imprisoned you and you will be able to send a message to each other, but you will not actually be occupied. If the Duke attempts to execute you, he will fail and instead the champion will counterattack, unleashing a bonus strike onto the Duke which bypasses any and all forms of healing and protection in addition to their normal night action. There will be at least one hour each time between EoN and SoD; if this occurs, you will have that period available to replace the Duke’s logs with whatever you would like or nothing at all, and will be privy to the Duke’s original logs before deciding.

This is perfect for lolcatting if the Arbiter wants to take it :joy:

I think it should be able to redirect a player to themselves if the same player is chosen twice.

I think this is one of my favorite abilities for the Arbiter to take.

I feel like using this on the Arbiter would be pointless, so maybe change the wording to:

Curfew (Night) - Puts a barrier around a member of the Hand of Byzantium, causing the next Unseen-aligned investigative role to automatically be prevented if they try to visit them. You will be informed when the barrier activates. (2 uses)

If the Page is supposed to be Unique, so should the Squire, probably.

Same here.

Add a clause that ‘you are only seen visiting the first’ because Nightwatch can’t visit two players at once.

Should probably be given the ‘unique’ shield.

This is for Prince’s execute. Why is this clause needed?

You told me to make it un-unique

I feel like you should be able to decide what you want the Duke’s logs to be at any point during the night, because you can’t really predict if the Duke will execute you or not.

It has the Unique shield. :thinking:

There are probably niche circumstances where it could be useful, say if you need to out who the NK is :thinking: