SFoL 58 Balance Talk V3

it can be on scum too because Arbiter gets to steal day abilities

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I mean
Blasphemer is actually crazy

The thing is that up to three extremely confirmable BD on top of duke can exist because of prestige
On top of that, there’s other mechanical clears

Heck, it might just be worth it for all prestige roles to openclaim d2

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On top of this…two targeting cop

On top of this

The strongest non-unique town role period

That’s bonkers strong

I can just keep listing reasons why Unseen is completely fine

This is fucking horrifying
Commuterizer is absurd

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Lul I had this class in SFoL 44 and it was great :upside_down_face:

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This can target Duke who isn’t penalized by the occupy, effectively making them invincible as long as you are alive

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Well Duke didn’t exist in HoB, so I didn’t have an opportunity to really misuse it.
I was like… okay I can use it on the Arbiter… but it occs them too :thinking:

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NK without consistent KPN is also… meeh. :confused:

Making torturer unique and giving it prestige

The Blasphemer :shield:

Unseen Social
Incantations (Passive) - You may speak with the dead during the night.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to three classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game.
Heretical Decree (Day) - If target player is lynched today and is a member of the Unseen with a non-unique, non-Prestige class, you will remove them from dead chat. (1 use)
Spirit Swap (Day) - Tonight, you will resurrect the player you removed from dead chat using Heretical Decree and sacrifice yourself if you succeed. You may not use any night abilities tonight. (1 use)
Black Mercy (Night) - Select a dead Unseen-aligned player and force them to use their primary night action on a living one. Cannot be used on Killer classes.
Bind Soul (Night) - Bind a dead player to yourself, allowing them to speak while dead for as long as you are alive, but removing them from dead chat. (1 use)
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Soulcatcher :shield:

Unseen Social
Incantations (Passive) - You may speak with the dead during the night.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to three classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game.
Bind Soul (Day) - Make yourself and target player night immune tonight. (1 use)
Collect Soul (Night) - If target player dies tonight, you will obtain their soul. (you start with 2 souls)
Reanimate (Night) - Bring a dead Unseen member with a non-unique, non-Prestige class back to life. Each night they remain alive, a soul will be consumed. When you run out of souls or die, the resurrected player dies. (1 use)
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Priest :shield:

Blue Dragon Social
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to three classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game.
Soul Protector (Passive) - If you started the match as the Priest or were converted from the Blasphemer, you initially have 2 souls. If you were converted from the Soulcatcher, you have as many souls as you had when you were converted. You may speak to the dead at night.
Bind Soul (Day) - Make a Blue Dragon member other than yourself night immune tonight. (1 soul)
Soul Trap (Night) - Permanently trap a player’s soul. When that player dies, you will gain 1 soul if you are still alive.
Revive (Call to Arms | Night) - You may only use this ability if there are three or fewer Blue Dragon members alive and the Visionary is not converting a player tonight. Resurrect a dead Unseen member with a non-unique, non-Prestige class while converting them simultaneously. Each night they remain alive, a soul will be consumed. When you run out of souls or die, the resurrected player dies. You may not use this ability if you have already resurrected a player during the match. (1 use)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Saint :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Social
Intercession (Passive) - You may speak with the dead during the night.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to three classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game.
Faithful Decree (Day) - If target player is lynched today and is a member of the Unseen with a non-unique, non-Prestige class, you will remove them from dead chat. (1 use)
Act of Faith (Day) - Tonight, you will resurrect the player you removed from dead chat using Heretical Decree while simultaneously converting them and sacrifice yourself if you succeed. You may not use any night abilities tonight. If the ability succeeds, you will flip as The Blasphemer. You may not use this ability if you have already resurrected a player during the match. (1 use)
Mercy (Night) - Choose a dead Unseen-aligned player and force them to use their primary night action on a living one. Cannot be used on Killer classes.
Spiritual Redemption (Night) - Bind a dead player to you, allowing them to speak while dead for as long as you are alive, but removing them from dead chat. (1 use)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

I tried to differentiate these classes a little and removed a few elements that made little sense to me. I understand that reviving dead players is very strong, but I tried my best to impose limits. Killing the Priest effectively kills two BD + the resurrected player is on a timer; as the Saint you have to die to resurrect the player, so it’s a 1 for 1, but you have the advantage of still flipping as Unseen.

I’m not actually sure if this is balanced but I tried my best. Also, no talking and voting while you’re dead. Nope.

the way your interpreting it is assuming that the “during the previous day” also applies to heretical decree being used, when it does not. could be worded better though

d2: unseen is lynched
d3: said unseen uses heretical decree and talks to ppl
n3: other unseen uses spiritual merge and resurrects the first

no it means it can be used once to give you speaking/voting for a day, but only after you die.
you cannot activate it while alive, is what is implied

yeah see?

I don’t think Torturer should be a Prestige class.

Incarcerate (Night) - Occupy a player and prevent all other visits to them tonight. You cannot use Incarcerate on the same player twice in a row.

This should be better.

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Yeah, that’s what I meant.

Guess I just worded it poorly.

Made a couple of edits.
I feel like the Unseen versions are still stronger.