SFoL 58 Balance Talk V3

The Torturer :shield:

Unseen Offensive
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for King will count twice.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to three classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game.
Solitary Confinement (Day) - Prevents your target from using Day Abilities. - 2 uses
Incarcerate (Night) - Occupies your target while also preventing visits to them. - Infinite uses
Enhanced Interrogation (Night) - Removes all limited-use abilities charges from your target. This ability will fail if used on the Visionary or the Arbiter, but you will not be informed of this in that case. - One use
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Court Sorceress or The Sentinel

Why does the Agent have crossed swords? I forgot what that means

Btw you guys are awesome (ignore me, I just had to say this)


The Druid

Hand of Byzantium Offensive
Isolation (Passive) - You are occupation and redirection immune.
Wall of Thorns (Day) - Tonight, all players who are not members of the Hand of Byzantium will be prevented from visiting you and all prevented visitors will start bleeding. The bleeding will kill them in two nights if not healed. (2 uses)
Glyph of Decay (Day) - Make a player unhealable for this night and the following night. (2 uses)
Glyph of Lethargy (Night) - Occupy a player.
Glyph of Sloth (Night) - Occupy two players. (2 uses)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Sentinel :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Offensive
Alertness (Passive) - You are occupation and redirection immune.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to three classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game.
Realign (Day) - Choose a player. If they use a day ability today, they will be automatically redirected to themselves. (2 uses)
Clear a Path (Day) - Tonight, the Champion’s visits cannot be affected by visit prevention, occupying, or redirecting. (2 uses)
Detainment (Night) - Remove all passives from a player until the end of the next night. Removing Royal Blood lasts for two days.
Curfew (Night) - Prevent all other visitors to a player tonight. (2 uses)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

I’m not 100% convinced about these but they exist now.

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Added Prestige to Sentinel because Torturer has it, soo…

Because Marshal is guaranteed (that’s what :crossed_swords:means), so I did it for the sake of consistency.

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The Sentinel

Hand of Byzantium Offensive
Alertness (Passive) - You are occupation and redirection immune.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to three classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game. If Sentinel is converted from the Servant or the Infiltrator, however, then this does not contribute to this limit; only starting classes do.
Realign (Day) - Choose a player. If they use a day ability today, they will be automatically redirected to themselves. (2 uses)
Clear a Path (Day) - Tonight, the Champion ’s visits cannot be affected by visit prevention, occupying, or redirecting. (2 uses)
Detainment (Night) - Remove all passives from a player until the end of the next night. Removing Royal Blood lasts for two days.
Curfew (Night) - Prevent all other visitors to a player tonight. (2 uses)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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fixed the prestige text
It’s not actually unique because butler or infiltrator could become it, so removing shield

Very good, very good.

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My Magistrate is very good and requires no changes in my opinion, same with Saint.

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Well yes, you already revised those.

Why would a member of the unseen want to do this?
What if it removed a non-Unseen player instead?

Because it’s necessary if you want to resurrect them.

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Ah, understood

Should I remove the Visionary’s standard death immunity?
Arbiter still has better immunity regardless as nothing can kill them besides a lynch or duke execution, even bleeding or death immunity bypassing attacks

The Warrior

Hand of Byzantium Offensive
Combat Ready (Passive) - You are immune to occupation, death at night, and will counterattack against attackers. This passive is lost once you are promoted to the Champion.
Mighty Vengeance (Passive) - If you become the Champion, you retain the passive ability to counterattack against attackers. You will not be night immune and occupation immune, however.
Bloodlust (Day) - All non-Killer classes will be prevented from visiting you tonight. (1 use)
Incite Fury (Day) - The Champion’s attack tonight will destroy the target’s logs if successful. (2 uses)
Taunt (Night) - Redirect a player to yourself.
Raging Axes (Night) - Occupy a player. If they are attacked tonight, the attack will be unhealable and bypass night immunity. (1 use)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Squire

Hand of Byzantium Support
Cowardice (Passive) - You appear to investigators as a member of the Unseen until your class changes.
Savant (Passive) - Remembering a class gives you one more use of all of its limited abilities than the base version has.
Pick up the Mantle (Night) - Select a non-unique, non-Prestige Unseen-aligned class from the Graveyard. You will become its Hand of Byzantium equivalent at the end of the night.
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Surgeon

Hand of Byzantium Support
Self-Aid (Passive) - You are bleeding immune.
Anti-Coagulant (Day) - Make a player permanently unhealable. (1 use)
Feign Symptoms (Day) - Make a player believe they started bleeding and will die in two nights if not healed. (2 uses)
Surgery (Night) - Heals a player, preventing them from dying tonight, and curing any poison and bleeding they were suffering from.
Miracle Touch (Night) - Heal all members of the Hand of Byzantium, including yourself. (1 use)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

I don’t like the fact we have a ton of tailoring so I’m trying to remove it where I can.

The Watchman

Hand of Byzantium Investigative
Tracking (Day) - Tomorrow, you will learn if target player left their room last night. (3 uses)
Spotter (Day) - Assign an observer to a player. You will learn who visited them at the end of every night. Reusing the ability will swap the observer to a different player. You may target yourself.
Silent Stalking (Night) - Learn a player’s visitors and who they visited.
Midnight Vigil (Night) - Learn the visitors of two players and who they visited. You will only be seen visiting the first player. (1 use)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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Will take a look at Librarian and Cabalist later.

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@Vulgard thoughts on this?

I’m… not sure, actually. Maybe?

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That would do a tremendous amount towards equalizing the factions
I gave Visionary standard death immunity; Arbiter’s is only a bit better (cannot die outside of lynch or duke execution)