SFoL 58 Balance Talk V3

Boss flashbacks in NDFM

‘Squid says she has a redcheck on Possessed’

Sucks to be occupied/redirected during this.

In NDFM Boss had dead interaction during the day and all of his posts throughout the game were paraphrased messages of the dead who were solving the game (specifically Geyde)

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That’s the point. It shouldn’t be unstoppable.

Doesn’t this out a converted soulcatcher?

That’s their main ability though. :man_shrugging:

It’s supposed to discourage the scum faction from converting you while you still have a revived Unseen member. If the resurrected player didn’t die upon conversion, you could have a situation where an Unseen is completely mechanically pocketed.

A.K.A. The point of conversion.

I think it should be stoppable regardless because resurrection is really strong despite limits.

If people are against it, though, I can make the Blasphemer and Soulcatcher occ/red immune while they do their thing.

Keep in mind that in theory, if the player you revived as Soulcatcher didn’t die upon your conversion, you could revive another player after being converted and both would side with evils.

That’s pretty nuts if you ask me.

It’s like soulcatcher and preist.

Im pretty sure soulcatcher can’t channel again after conversion.

Just make a clause like that as to not out a converted soulchatcher

Fuck no
Every time I hear this reasoning I get angry

The point of phys is to save people
You can be stopped from saving people, and that’s agreed upon as fair

That’s true, that’s why FoL Priest doesn’t revive them with everything they have. Making it occupyable just makes scum so much better against it if they happen to have an occupier and it’d be very strong if they wouldn’t have one. Better to flatten the effect out and nerf it in different ways.

Phys can do that an infinite number of times though… and they turn occ/redirect immune after 3 times actually.

Scum should have counterplay to a revive, the strongest individual ability in mafia

And if you don’t have a scum occupier, you just… don’t have the counterplay too bad.

Almost like the mechanic itself is broken

:stuck_out_tongue: maybe more than almost.