SFoL 58 — Dead Chat

Oh shit, that would be lit move to actually imprison Ami, but uh…thats not going to happen if there’s no HoB lynched :upside_down_face:

itd also be objectively dumb lul



I am dying lol

nobody looks at logs in ToL or FoL :^)

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imagine if ghosts got one post after their death
i can just imagine all the wallpost rants

ghostpost = locktown

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I made sure I won’t try typing in here :eyes:

also i had this amazing idea for an FM game but i have 0 hosting experience and would probably not be able to do it

What idea? You can talk about it.

imagine like
wild west

and i even had this amazing idea for an “ita” mechanic

if you can make a setup i might be willing to help you host it if i don’t want to play it :eyes:

ITA’s but all are passively redirected to marshal

how do I not die when ihave good reads help

dont claim enforcer d1

enforcers arent real

FM but marshal gets policy modkilled d1

I didn’t think I would have good reads tho so I thought I was good

shoulda just coldsteeled n1 so you coulda gotten redirected to the duke

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My idea used to be NKless SFoL and allow one more slot for group scum.

Most neutrals will be randomly assigned to either side.