SFoL 58 — Dead Chat

co-host katze made mistake

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i misread a classcard

It was actually my bad, not katze’s. apologies

i mean i forgot to read the passive too

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@sulit Hi!

You gotta make it less obvious you are fool :stuck_out_tongue: I’m jelly you got Fool and I didn’t

Wait wtf holdup


How do you not flip true?

What do you mean?

You are unseen?

Oh no I was kidding lol

i told sulit to flip as possessor but they didnt die during the day

also i still feel a bit dumb/bad for sulit cause their poor handmaiden claim is half my fault?

You big dummy

I thought the classes were the same as a reg game lol

I deceived myself as that class first night

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Apparently I’m the big dummy too bc I didn’t think to go DI

Don’t feel bad katze, it was my fault for not paying attention

i opened ToL to find Handmaidens analyze feedback and didn’t even think “huh, that doesnt sound like the Handmaiden we have” until you had already claimed

:upside_down_face: :

Wait, Katze you gave the wrong feedback? Ooooof