SFoL 58 — Dead Chat

this is not happening
currently amelia’s action is set to guard chloe
which will be overridden by hemophilia

there will be no unseen alive tomorrow, sorry

I tell them they are dorks

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an HoB win is inevitable
only reason I won’t end it at SoD is because I want to write flavour for a demon getting banished back to hell, john constantine style, with a seal and everything

It sure put extra salt for Geyde to winning with HoB

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speaking of that, sorry i’ve fallen behind on flavour, everyone
i probably won’t be able to fill in the previous days’ stuff until after the game ends
priority now is getting flavour for endgame written

That slot shouldn’t have replaced

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He claims to have gamesolved, but that’a bull :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I hate when spectators want to be backup, honestly it should be stated that spectators = lack of interest in participating

So technically Geyde gamethrowed

our spectator chat was entirely uninformed but i could see why you would think that

geyde asked to be informed and he was denied since darth had hinted at needing to be replaced

the only messages in spectator chat were geyde solving the game really, kyos said like 3 messages the entire time and they were all before/after geyde joined/left iirc

and they weren’t game related

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That is sign.

That need to be stopped

Remember astand on our game? Yeah he left the chat after denying to make it informed

(Reply to Katze)

look i can see how this could get into fishy territory at times, so in all my future games, no one will be able to spectate and backup in the same game ever

is that sufficient?

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it didn’t really go like that

geyde was uninformed and fine with it, then after a few days asked if we’d inform (this was mid D3 iirc) and we said that we might need him to backup

and he didn’t sound like he had any problems with that, i think he just assumed we wouldnt need any backups

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also i can assure you that spectator chats in my games have never been and will never be informed in any capacity.

im sorry that you’ve had a bad experience in both Virtuous games thus far @Frostwolf103
However, since the first one was bungled supremely leading to its canning, and this one had no moderrors, I’d hope the experience here wasn’t nearly as bad.

at least we didnt tell anyone other players alignments :eyes:

although i do think you’ve come close to saying too much a few times

as i said my worst habit as a host is my tendency to ramble
With you and your “expert” 's help, I think i’ve made remarkable progress towards fixing that problem
so thank you

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hosting runs in the family :wink:

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