SFoL 58 — Dead Chat

so the demon used their haemophilia attack on arete, who was being healed by italy

arete bit italy, occupying him, and healing themselves

so if arete was any other class italy dies n1 (unless they just occ italy n1)

and if arete didnt have any form of self healing on n1 they also die n1

but the stars aligned and both lived to tell the tale

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EVO is attacking italy tonight instead of napoleon though, because he really has no way of knowing for sure which healer is real

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I have to say that the Hand of Byzantium’s entire strategy this game was a house of cards, which was quite surprising to me.

Everything they used to stay alive was a part of a complex web of lies.

If any member of the Hand of Byzantium had flipped by EoD3, they would have been utterly doomed.

But none of them did, so now this house’s foundation has become too strong, no matter how much anyone blows at it.

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I feel bad for Arete, though. At this point, they have almost no chance of winning.

R.I.P. to my strigboi

may u forever rest in my heart

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i feel like if arete outs ami they can do something

like at least a scum yeet

one of their vampires dies tonight to NK and maybe even champion

the other is the arbiter

and then vul won’t be able to jail and will be outted correct?


aretes best chance is biting nappy so they cant kill

but nappy is (most likely) either attacking chloe (death immune tonight) or italy (dying to NK) so it doesnt really matter?

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ironically and amusingly, HoB has been fooled into thinking anyone but EVO had to be the NK
unfortunately, it’s too late, since neither chloe or EVO are killing nappy or vul tonight

well if evo kills italy

ami will see evo visiting italy

and thats currently the kill hes got submitted :eyes:

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i also feel really bad for Geyde

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He had basically solved the game in spectator chat

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But he has now subbed into an utterly doomed slot

and is now investigating crich

Town has made unfortunate night action choices for the entirety of the game

REEE wirodockd why do I die early when I have good readsssss

you are absurdly good at scumreading derps

What about darth

Not surprised