SFoL 58 — Dead Chat

all actions have been submitted and i extremely doubt any will change, but i will still wait for the night phase to end

Five hours left for any changes.

eek I wake up and people are complimenting my cohosting

Ily guys

Also no actions have changed so rip the unseen

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We still have 30 minutes or more, but yeah :slight_smile:

i feel bad for EVO

he’s playing quite well socially but his nightkills have not gone his way

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Yeah I guess, imagine he gain favor from Baronet that is not going to backstab the demon, did I ever mention I had eyes on him?

Although alas I was too busy with powerwolf pushing

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Well it’s over, rip.

Let’s see how far this go before HoB completely dominates Unseen.

arete basically decides when the game ends

can they find a way to win :thinking:

They have a choice to go with HoB as 2nd convert as neut.

Besides, they are the only kind that can actually heal.

they need a majority alive to be vampires though and i don’t believe neuts can be converted

after tonight they will have two vampires, both being scum

By Vampires as convert, I mean Arete has to bite HoB’s instead :smirk:

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they’re biting vulgard but the game is like, gonna end tomorrow night since theyll jail exe NK

actually they can win this since they’re counted for majority

if someone gets lynched tomorrow who ISNT evo, evo gets jail exed and someone gets championed - arete should win if they dodge both evo and the other nightkill

after tonight theres 9 alive (3 vampires)

if literally anybody but evo gets executed today arete wins

Let’s see, two Unseen dies leaving three unseen alive, Marshal, King, two starter HoB, converted Duke, Strigoi

Unless the Strigoi believe Vulgard is not converted yet, the majority will be 6. If the NK is smart, they should value working together with Unseen with Strigoi as ally to HoB, it will be still 5vs4vs1, there’s no way NK is going to stalemate

arete is pretty sure vulgard is converted

hence why they’re biting vulgard

That will be still 4 against 5, when NK doesn’t take sides.

Now, you mention a King and page is bleeding, then by the end of next night, that will be 3vs4, depending on several factors what will happen to NK: They either lynched HoB this day, allowing to be vulnerable to next conversion but NK will live another night to stop the HoB for Unseen.

Any lynch other than HoB and NK, NK will be lynched and executed, a straight win for HoB.

I am guessing they are going to gun for Chloe this time.

I hope Wazza isn’t lazy as heck and put those damn logs, same for Italy.

Totally not wishing Geyde should have taken not taken Darth and go for Wazza instead, depends who’s first replacing out