SFoL 58 — Dead Chat

Right, less wrong as I said.

what did evo do

kill you


bypassing healing? :eyes:

you weren’t healed last night

italy do you think ami is good senex or evil senex

you said nappy healed me reeee

nappy also killed you

this is bullying

you were also redirected into healing nappy from a baronet attack

This is bullying

basically you suck

how many people attacked me last night holy shit

i also modkilled you for fun

okay so i was stabbed by groupscum, attacked by the baronet and secretly modkilled for the luls
literally everyone is out for my blood


the baronet attacked napoleon

you were redirected and healed napoleon

the NK and groupscum attacked you

why was i redirected to napoleon what

the arbiter redirected you to the champion cause they knew you were a real healer

so napoleon and arete scum?

This is the second time in a row