SFoL 58 — Dead Chat

everybody is openwolfing because towns only chance is arete siding with them and vulgard wont admit theyre the convert

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Sounds fun

Why can’t EVO just wrap this head around and think they can side with town.

King, Marshal, converted Duke, NK, Boi, 2 scum, 2 unseen

Two will bleed out and one gets lynched, that will be six. Two-Three kills will make it four or three players alive.

Assuming the NK, Strigoi and either Unseen or HoB will survive. Chloe will no doubt attack Napoleon and when NK figures out he’s not jailed, they will probably yolo to Vulgard.

Lemme check Strigoi here…

Oh yeah, Blood Frenzy is used so, rip Vulgard.


Aha, they just…oh no.

HoB is commiting loss, taking down Unseen with them.

im like 99% sure unseen cannot win for the sole fact that NK wins in final 4

this tbh
and if evo wins, he’s earned it imo

that said if evo fails to trueclaim, he might die and end the game

also N check host chat u nerd

If final 4 is 3 HoB + EVO, HoB wins
under any other possible composition with EVO alive though, he wins.

I don’t understand you get it wrong. Unless it’s me.

But wouldn’t NK allow to win with everyone reaching that criteria being alive in the finals?

the way nk works in this setup, unless all other people alive with him in final 4 are groupscum, if he reaches final four, he instantly wins and everyone else who is not a neutral that has achieved their wincon at that point, instantly loses.

it is clearly stated on each classcard.

So yeah, HoB or Unseen can win in there.

Unseen cannot possibly win if EVO is alive in final 4
The classcard clearly states that groupscum and only groupscum can hamper NK in a final 4 scenario.

if final 4 is 3 unseen + demon (this is impossible but just just an example): demon wins instantly.

if a final 4 with demon alive is anything that is not specifically and exactly 3 HoB + demon: demon wins instantly.


How can they not win with Unseen the same way?