SFoL 58 — Dead Chat

No crown, no.

There’s a mistake in the passive :point_down:

No crown there

If i get arbiter im taking a day ability that makes me death immune the following night.

Im not throwing ur throwing

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i don’t believe GT states exactly who starts it

since, well, 99.9% of the time it’s the king

It said “by order of king amelia” when I used it

didnt say king vulgard when vulgard just did but we(and the players) also kind of know exactly who everybody is

if i were arbiter id prob take this

the meme power is high

this is pretty alpha tho

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i think restricting the arbiter from taking king abilities might make sense though

Imperial Ballista (Day) - Kills a player in broad daylight. - 2 uses

Imagine not taking this

Bro i would hella send ayaya to someone anonymously

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2 use dayvig

No thats beta

Do you wanna talk about our lord and savior jesus? wololo

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Alpha plays only

Imagine not taking this

Imperial Urgency (Day) - Become the Champion at the start of the night; if there is a current Champion , if they are the original Champion or they were promoted from a Socialite , they will become the new Arbiter ; if not, they will become their convert class again. Cannot be used before day 4. - One use

Doesn’t say you can’t take from arbiter class card :eyes:

thats part of why i say limiting king abilities overall is better :eyes:

no GT, no double dayvig (although you can still take Snipe)

Does snipe reveal the user :thinking:

Wheres my Private Matters smh

I would say take call to arms, but no bd classes allowed