SFoL 58 — Dead Chat

We could give all investigative classes a single investigative ability, etc

Would probably go better than me trying to create an SFoL with cult as uninformed majority

But maybe I could make that work :eyes:

Also, Vulgard:


“Your defeat amuses me. Do you believe you are my match?”


“Are you aware I lie at will?”


(Gasp) “Is it your wish to lynch me?”


(Laugh) “Then you must be scum, so scummy!”

@N.1 @katze_AYAYA @Chloe @Amelia @sulit


do et nerd

hi whats going on

I mean I told ans I’d do it so :^)

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you win

arete wins

hob wins


Only evil we exed was champion

and NK coming up soon

Bd Majority
Cult/Unseen minority

Blue Dargon:
Passives are randomized to any BD passive, including no passive
Day abilities are randomized to any BD day abil, including no day abil
Night abil 1 - All class types have a random night ability from the same type (investigatives will have a random invest ability)
Night abil 2 - randomized to any BD night ability, including no ability

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Guys, I made a meme

Bro i wanna do this

Kat we’re doing a damn randomizer game. Prepping this weekend

Im forcing you to. I will fly to florida

can you solo host it so i can play it :eyes:

Bro ill get mom to cohost

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In my case it’s this:

“Your betrayal amuses me. Do you believe you are converted?”


“Are you aware I claim Baronet at will?”


(Gasp) “Is it your wish to execute me?”

“No.” /vote Frostwolf103

(Laugh) “Then you must be converted, so–”

Frostwolf103 got lynched, they are Baronet

Wait I am sorry, but didn’t Strigoi lost?