SFoL 58: Last Stand of the Righteous -- Discussion and Balance Thread

Which version of the page should I keep? @Vulgard

I agree with keeping the different Squires since each of them has a unique advantage the other doesn’t have. The BD one has the Call to Arms benefit and the HoB one is immune to faction checks which I like.

I think the FoL version of Page is better since I think being one-shot bulletproof is weaker than being completely bulletproof for 3 nights. Unless you want to combine the two:

Defensive Youth (Passive) - You are night immune for the first three nights, until you are attacked for the first time, or until you remember a class - whichever happens first.

I think this might work since I don’t think Page should be a Prestige class. It doesn’t really have very strong confirmability unless you remember a Prestige class. (Speaking of which, maybe Page shouldn’t be able to remember Prestige classes?)

it cant remember unique so that’s good

Ooooh yeah it can’t remember Prestige classes.
Then yeah, make it non-Prestige for sure. I like my version of the passive too.

I think this setup has the potential to be run several times because I think it’ll be a ton of fun.

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By the way, for the sake of clarity, I think you should order the classes alphabetically in each class section in the OP. Right now they go FoL -> HoB or HoB -> FoL which is understandable but not the greatest if you want to find a specific class.

I’ve never understood that part. Does this remove the bleeding or delay it by one night? The wording is strange to me.

The Page :shield:

Unseen Support
Defensive Youth (Passive) - You are night immune for the first three nights, until you are attacked for the first time, or until you remember a class - whichever happens first.
Train (Night) - Allows you to select a non-unique, non-prestige Unseen-aligned class from the Graveyard. The Page in turn will become that class by the end of the night. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Squire or The Squire

page and squires are not prestige

:heart: \o/

Ballad (Night) - Heal your target from Bleeding and also grant them thricely occupation immunity, conversion immunity and night immunity for the night. - 2 uses

that work?

Looking good, I go In when it’s near start

Ballad (Night) - Cure a player’s bleeding. They will also be occupation, redirection and night immune tonight. (2 uses)

I think this looks simpler and is easier to read.

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(That is some god tier ballad)

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I did consider removing the ‘night immune’ part but considering the fact it’s a 2-shot and the infinite use ability isn’t anything super strong, I think it’s fine.

With the wording Maxwell I doubt you’d need to specify that it doesn’t work on neutrals for expert investigation as they weren’t really traitors to the Unseen if they weren’t on their side to begin with.
Just to make the ability names look a bit nicer.

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Obviously keep the exceptions such as Arbiter on there.

i’ll edit it in my new thread (https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfol-58-balance-talk-thread-revamped/78967)) when im capable to later
let’s talk there
i reposted the edited classcards there

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I know the intention but…

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let’s talk in my new thread https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfol-58-balance-talk-thread-revamped/78967