SFoL 58: Last Stand of the Righteous -- Discussion and Balance Thread

Torturer has the negative of occupying the player but it doesn’t matter if they’re protecting the Duke for instance.

So yeah, you might want to increase the amount of players to 20+ and change the conversion cooldown to 2 nights always maybe (if successful) since in that case the scum faction would start with 3 members.

I’m not sure actually. That sounds good to me but I have a feeling this concept is flawed.

One thing I don’t like about increasing the amount of players is that NK is going to have a really difficult time if that happens.

Unless they have a slightly easier wincon to be in final 5 or something, like Geyde suggested (I think).

Final 5 still seems extremely hard with over 20 players. Not getting outed for that long seems borderline impossible.

NK won the first infection game though without any special wincons btw, it was 24’er.

If you go 20+ you would probably have to buff every NK in some way to compensate. And if NK is able to kill a ton of people every night it might make the game less fun with dozens of people dying all the time.

Wasn’t that NK Revenant?

Mind Flayer, but I think they were pretty OP as well, though, but I didn’t play in that game.

I feel like some of the NKs here could make it with over 20 players, but others would need to be buffed (especially KP).

Game Setup: 20 players
King (60% Corrupted, 40% Righteous or Purified)
Visionary or Arbiter
Heroine or Champion
Random Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium Convert Class
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen
Random Unseen / Random Neutral Non-Killer
Random Neutral Non-Killer
Neutral Killer

20-er, King, 13-14 Unseen, 1-2 Non NK Neuts, 3 BD or HoB, 1 NK

All Unique Classes besides Duke and Marshal will have Prestige, and as such only up to two of them can roll on the unseen side in total.

Neutral Killer Win Condition is to make it to the final 5 players alive. If the NK accomplishes this, they instantly win and every other class that is not a Neutral who has achieved their wincon, loses.

The Blue Dragon and Hand of Byzantium cannot convert night 1. After that, the second conversion has a 2-night cooldown and conversions after that have a 1-night cooldown. They may have up to four players alive.

how does that look?

Reaper and Possessor for instance have like no KP in a 20+ setup. All NKs need over 1 average KP in a 20+ I think.

I could remove a few NK’s if you’d like
Let me know which and it’s done

Or you could conveniently roll a better NK for the game :upside_down_face:
I’m sure hosts secretly do it to make the roll more balanced :smirk:

Actually with a f5 wincon maybe it’s not so bad for NK. I’m actually not sure.

i could yeah
i’d prefer to just remove the sucky nk’s from the get-go to make things clear and fair tho

Maybe i don’t need to then

How does this look? @Vulgard @astand

I honestly like this version a lot more. It should be fun.
I think it’s balanced for the major factions, not sure about the neuts; might need to check that. Not sure if the NK can win here, but with this altered wincon, maybe they can.

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Might need to change the wincon to ‘two’ (and the passive, obviously) in a 20er? It’s likely there will be more lynches in a 20er.

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