SFoL:59 Anarchy [10\15] -A Dumpster Fire By Any Definition-Blue Dragon and Unpersoned Victory

@katze do it no balls

I’m weirdly curious if Ami even bothered to make a dead chat

chaos > genitals


do it no chaos or balls

thats not how this works

thats exactly how it works you coward.
if you want chaos you need to shake things up
you know what shakes things up? new information
like the information that is your classcard

But there’s no rules so that is how this works

Day ends in 24 hours. ill just ask a mod to lock the thread for 24 hours after that point

im evil

thus withholding information is in my genome

but giving it out is in mine.

Ill take simon lies for 1000, alex

Yes. Can confirm your genome is evil.

you never even went all in in poker you’re the coward

Technically it’s already been 24 since SoD

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24 hours

but not 24 hrs since that post

Somehow managed to exclude the entire word

what do you mean

oh nvm

It’s been 24 hours since ami started the game by modkilling the king