SFoL:59 Anarchy [10\15] -A Dumpster Fire By Any Definition-Blue Dragon and Unpersoned Victory

im not stuck with you


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no i mean back in the memes channel only

yes i know what you mean

Although I kind of don’t want day 1 to just be infinite because that’s just can central

i think proper night will come eventually

If I can roleplay as Sam again, I probably would. I turned a missed opportunity into something I’m pleased with for once

hey ami can I play russian roulette for a class card

There will be more tournaments in the future

fret not

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feel free

I am somehow betting on 2 things at the same time here.
Full permission to modkill me if I roll 6

@discobot roll 1d6

:game_die: 4

bitch i played it for no reason besides to do it

flip incoming

Amelia has died!

They were…

Amelia you were only supposed to but 1 bullet in the chamber silly

Oh wait no, my bad, they just seem dead

I think she’s going to quote the class card I meme sent

Yes I clearly just passed out

can you update the OP with marshals corpse