SFoL:59 Anarchy [10\15] -A Dumpster Fire By Any Definition-Blue Dragon and Unpersoned Victory

also if anybody wishes to, replacement is needed


Ok we have our alignments. Only question is what is our class?

wait so is ami still hosting this or is eevee hosting this now

he is lying there are no rules remember

yeah but thats an official mod statement, which if that were a lie i feel like that would constitute behavior rules

This is anarchy. We were warned.

All messages that told alignment were 100% truthful and had no lies

GM = Game manager, aka person who is overwieving if everything is going correctly.

Ami is host.
I had to check if everything is alright due to complains on this game.

That’s the difference.


wait who made complaints

Is this related to me saying the poker game was rigged?

/replace in

/straight flush

Are you playing poker by yourself or something?

I’ve played poker before. With social distancing being a thing, why not play poker online?

You’re welcome to join in if you want.

Eh, I’m kinda busy with a couple of things at the moment


wait the game started?

i was so confused about what was happening and i thought it was all a meme

It has… and it has been chaos from there